Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 5.10

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

One of my favorite memories of childhood centers around trick-or-treating on a lovely fall night, where the air was crisp, the leaves fallen underfoot, a gentle breeze blew and hordes of costumed children paraded up and down our street.  My bag grew heavy with each house and the culmination of the evening came with the required counting and sorting of candies, as we, like pirates of old counting loot,  tallied and ate until our parents, full of the wisdom that age and parenting brings, had us put the treasures away for the evening. (We then were strongly instructed to brush our teeth like mad before bed!)

So what makes the night so memorable? The feeling of contentment.  Contentment may be a smaller virtue but like a spice, just a little of it can go a long way.  To be content is to be grateful with where you are and pleased with what you are doing.  More than some others virtues, it exists in time, affecting how one addresses every changing circumstance.   Ultimately it is found when we say to God, thy will be done. 

One can be content with the acquisition of knowledge, the pursuit of athletic success or the mastering of an instrument,  one can be content with recovering from illness or performing a necessary task,  but one should not be content with evil, with sloppy careless work, with the failure to fulfil ones duty.  For contentment, if focused on God, aids our conscience to determine what is good. It aids in our discernment both of what is happening and how we are responding to it.

So tonight as the hubbub of activity descends upon your home, with the return of children from school and parents from work and worldly cares, as dinner is consumed and homework is attacked, as charges are made and bills paid, I challenge you, ask yourself, am I content with this? God's love for us comes in many different packages and different ways but if we can see it, then all is good.   For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you! (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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