Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 5.8

Walking Tiger 

Dear Friends,

The other night I decided to replace the faucet in my kitchen sink.  Having done this sort of thing many times before I approached it without any tribulation and got out my tools to change it.  Alas, the best laid plans of mice and men so often go astray- Robert Frost.   Two hours later I surveyed the kitchen, the hacksaw, the pry bar, the hammer, the screw gun, several wrenches, a heap of paper towels and a pair of scissors, all laying haphazardly, with the clear signs of having been recently used, were in clear view. (Footnote- I did manage to get the new faucet in place and it looks great)  Looking at the scene, several principles came to mind:     You should not start a job if you do not mean to finish it,    It is a good idea to have extra resources before starting a project,   You will pass a point of no return if you hope to succeed and luck seldom, if ever, plays a part in it.

These principles, and others, apply to many things in life but most of all we should note that only by preparing and planning do we hope to succeed.  One of the hardest things to teach a young person is the need to bring extra resources and to realize that one decision will inevitably affect other things.  For this reason we want our students to learn all they can; they never know exactly what tool they will need, and we want them to be able to move with confidence when the time for action comes.

If we don't take these risks, if we don't venture forward, then we are stuck where we are.  Only by risking defeat can we ever win.  God calls us to be bold in His service, to prepare carefully and commit fully.  We are not supposed to often rush blindly into something, though we seldom know exactly what we are getting into.   Life serving Christ is exciting, challenging, difficult and rewarding, it's a fast ski down a steep hill, a parachute jump out of a perfectly good plane,  and it's all I want to do.

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School


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