Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 5.5

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

The fall is a time to harvest and to celebrate the good work of the spring and summer.  Where I grew up the fall meant apple picking, cider and fresh donuts, typically eaten by a rushing stream in some forest of colorful falling leaves. It is a time to celebrate in a special way the good that has been done, however mindful we are not finished working, for so much good goes on around us which we miss.

The beauty of the sunrise, the blueness of the sky, the smell of fresh coffee, the life in our children, and so much more goes around us practically unseen.  It needn't be this way; we can recognize the great qualities of our teachers and classes, the wonder of young faces learning so much more if we decided to take note.  There is always room to criticize and complain and there is always room to praise and bless.  Which will we choose today?

It has been often stated to the students that they are precious and special because they are God's children.  During Spirit week we get a unique chance to see just how awesome they are and how much we are blessed by them.  For while nothing on this earth lasts forever, the good that we do can keep blessing us for an eternity.

For the beauty of the earth,
For the beauty of the skies,
For the Love which from our birth
Over and around us lies:
Christ, our God, to Thee we raise
This our Sacrifice of Praise.

For the beauty of each hour
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flower,
Sun and moon and stars of light:
Christ, our God, to Thee we raise
This our Sacrifice of Praise.

How does such an idea affect teaching?  Simply put, students who learn in a positive, grateful environment with very real challenges and productive feedback have the greatest chance of success in life.

Thank you once again for all the support you give us here and for sending your students to us.  We promise to be worthy of such trust.

Pax et Bonum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. we always welcome cares, comments, concerns, criticisms and complaints, please let us know what you are thinking.

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