Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 5.9

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

There is an old poem by Myra Brooks Welch entitled, "The Touch of the Master's Hand" which tells the story of an old violin being auctioned for a few dollars, when from the back of the room comes a grey haired old man, who picking up the bow, adjusting it, plays a melody, "As sweet as the angels sing".  When he is done the violin promptly sells for thousands of dollars. Why? Because the master touched it and revealed its value.

Each of us is like that violin; fearfully and wonderfully made, yet we are dirty and out of tune, we may even be damaged by our actions and by others but if we let the master touch us, and we cooperate with him, it can all change.  Forgiveness stands at the center of our faith, forgiveness of others, certainly, for we can be forgiven, as we forgive.  God's forgiveness of us restores our humanity.  It makes us who we were meant to be and as often as we sin, God will forgive us.  Never do we need to say we cannot be saved, for even in the darkest moment, God is there.

When God interacts with us we change and become wonderful. Yet, how do we stay that way? What stops us from falling back into the vices, laziness, lust, pride, etc.?   There is an old saying which helps us at this point.

Sow a thought, reap an action,
Sow an action, reap a habit,
Sow a habit, reap a lifestyle

St. John Paul II told us 'actions both determine and reveal who we are' thus, if we want to 'stay in tune' we need to act accordingly.  If I want to be patient, I must act patiently, even if I don't 'feel' it.  For if I do, I will become patient.  If I want to be kind, then I must act kindly, etc.

Ultimately, that which allows us to stay strong is Jesus Christ.  For he is the one who is with us always, even to the end of the world.  So most of all, first and last, at the beginning of your day, and throughout it, and at the end, cast yourself into the loving arms of Christ.  We are safest in the master's hands.

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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