Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 5.2

Walking Tiger 

Dear Friends,

Ordinarily in this space I write about an educational topic and this week will be no different despite as it may first appear.   Saturday, a dear friend and long term teacher died.  Joseph Domko, (1945-2014) passed from this world as a man who impacted many lives of students and fellow faculty members.  As hard as it proves to sum up so many talents in a few short words, let me first state he was a man of God.  Christ inspired his teaching, his coaching and his life and I will say that in all the years I have been involved with education, Joe Domko was one of the finest men I have ever seen.   To walk into his class and see the memento's to a life of wrestling, he was our head wrestling coach, to his military service, he bravely served in Vietnam, to see images of his family, whom he loved dearly, and so much more paints a picture of a man who knew himself and his God.   Those who have been in his class, who learned at the feet of the master, will know what I mean when I say, WOW!  

To Joe's family I must say thank you, for all the years and time he spent here, blessing us with his counsel, his knowledge and his charity.  He arrives at the Pearly Gates not empty handed.

All of us are to be called one day before the Lord to give account of ourselves, may we be as ready as our friend and brother, Joseph Domko.

Requiescat in pace
God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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