Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

As the school year now moves into high gear your students better can apprehend the requirements of their classes and determine the appropriate responses.  Knowledge, not merely of the subject matter, but also of the instructor, changes the outlook of many a class.  As the old phrase states, 'Knowledge is Power'.

For this reason, the Oracle of Delphi famously commanded, 'Know thyself' and Socrates told the world, 'The unexamined life is not worth living', for in examining who we are and knowing who we are we emerge better equipped to know how to approach the world. We can examine our lives with every assignment we complete, or don't, with every task we do, with every essay we write or through conversations with others.  Our actions both determine and reveal who we are, as St. John Paul the Great told us.   High school is all about learning who we are and changing it as needed so that we become the best versions of ourselves.   

What is most critical is where we start, for if we know who we are as God's children, so special that when we had a debt so large that only God could pay it, He did.  Our children and ourselves are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139); In so many ways they excel and surpass. Our task, both as parents and teachers is to aid our students so that one day they will fully stand alongside us making this a better world.  From what I can see we are moving in the right direction.  Thank you for your trust in us.  It is our pleasure to serve all of you.

Pax et Bonum!
Timothy Gallic

Principal/President Holy Family High School

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