Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 5.11

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

As some of you know I wear corrective lenses. I first got them in 4th grade when I went down to the nurse's office for my annual eye exam and sitting on the wooden bench, I gazed out the window.  I remember thinking it odd that I couldn't see the small branches at the top of the tree which I had noticed the year before, and sure enough, a few days later I was getting my first pair of glasses.   When I put them on suddenly I could see the world more clearly which made navigating the world so much easier.

Often in life we find our perspective changes, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, until we can no longer see the world correctly, but rather we view it in a warped fashion.  When we are tired we may find our family irritating, we may react poorly because we are stressed, we may judge a statement harshly because we are ill, or confused.  All too often we allow circumstances to interfere with our ability to see situations clearly.  This remains a favorite tactic of Satan. He cannot take over our will, but he can confuse us.  For this reason he is called the father of lies.   The lies of evil masquerade as good, yet they are not, although in the heat of the moment they may seem so.

How does one keep clear focus?  By eliminating or minimizing that which affects us.  Getting a good night sleep, eating well, exercising, following a schedule; these all help, but the most important is to have a relationship with God.  He is the Divine optician who corrects our eyes so that we may see what is true, lovely and beautiful.  He is the one who lights our path so we do not stumble; His is the hand that holds ours to prevent our falling.

Today is Election Day and it is no accident that I write about confusion and lies today.  Politicians all too often dissemble and obfuscate when they ought to be speaking clearly and acting honestly.  So we as Christians must pray for the elected representatives, we must do our best to elect worthy individuals and we must insist that they do their jobs well.  

We are blessed to be in a free country and while our ultimate goal is heaven, I, for one, am glad to be an American.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School


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