Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 5.4

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

Last Saturday we laid to rest the mortal remains of our dear friend Joseph Domko.   As we finished the funeral mass and departed it came to mind the words we hear every Ash Wednesday, 'Remember man, that you are dust and unto dust you shall return.'  We are all called upon to one day die and then give an account of our lives.  In many ways this is like taking an exam or a test; We are instructed, asked to do problems demonstrating and helping us build mastery and then we are called upon to prove that mastery.  So in that sense school helps us prepare for life.

Of Joe's great traits honesty, hard work, courage and charity were hallmarks.   Imagine a school in which we work diligently and honestly, with courage we accept what God sends us, and show charity to all.  This would be a school we would all want to part of, and we can.  We can have all of these wonderful traits and more, if we only ask in faith and then act in faith.

Finally, as your students start getting grades in classes please remember to check PowerSchool often and be quick to contact the teacher if you see something you want to discuss.  Education works best when there is communication going on, for learning is a dynamic process.

May God be with all of you and bless your week,

Timothy Gallic
Principal/President Holy Family High School


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