Tuesday, October 29, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 4.9

Walking Tiger

Dear Friends,

As we get older we become very much aware that we do travel through time, but only in one direction. There exists no going back, no do overs, no repeats; each day is a special blessing, each moment never to be seen again.  This means we can be ready for what God has planned for us, it means when we fall we can rise again, it also means we must deal with mistakes of the past, of times when we were unprepared, for tests we did not study for, for the unkind word said in a careless moment. 

While I cannot go back and relive a moment, or take back a word spoken unwisely, I can ask for forgiveness and reconciliation.  I can make amends, and I can be free to plot a new course, not free from the consequences of my actions, but free to change the direction of my life.   This lesson should be taught to all of our students.  Sometimes in life we find ourselves in a hole, God always will reach down to pull us out; we must simply grasp his hand.

So when a student comes home with a poor grade, or finds themselves dealing with the result of poor choices, encourage them to deal with the consequences, to make amends, and most of all to move ahead.  God's forgiveness, through the Sacrament of Confession, frees us from our sin, studying frees us from ignorance, seeking pardon from a wronged party heals breaches and each dawn is a new day, a chance to be our best, to improve upon our previous efforts.  To be truly who God made us to be, Saints.

May God bring you peace,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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