Tuesday, October 29, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 4.4

Walking Tiger

Dear Parents,

You may have noticed in medical circles there seems to be two schools of thought regarding general humanity.  One school of thought, which I will term the 'broken man' holds that everyone is 'broken', everyone has something out of position, functioning improperly etc., and the goal of these practitioners is to make everyone whole, to fix what is broken.  The other school of thought, which I will term, the 'whole man' holds that most people are generally healthy most of their lives, they can always get healthier but they fit within the framework of healthy.  I do not claim that one attitude is superior to the other, perhaps neither are, however we can learn something about mankind from them.

Christians essentially see the world as a bit of both these attitudes. Before baptism, redemption, and forgiveness, mankind is broken. (all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, Romans 3:23)  Whenever we sin mortally, we again become broken.  God, the Divine Physician, stands ready to heal us, to set us right and to place us back on the path to glory.   At this point we tend to follow the 'whole man' theorem.   We are generally in a good place, but there is room for improvement.  We need to grow in our virtues, in our character, and in our faith.  There exists no upper limit to perfection, we can always improve.

High school is where our children workout the development of their character, in the struggle to master information and skills, in the discipline of physical activities and in refining their interpersonal skills.  It can and should be a fun time, an exciting time and a truly memorable time.    

Homecoming is this week, including the games and the Spirit days, and of course the Homecoming Dance.   It should be a wonderful time and to make certain it is please make sure all your students come to the dance dressed appropriately and at the dance act appropriately. 

God bless,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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