Tuesday, October 29, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 4.8

Walking Tiger

Dear Friends,

The importance of planning can hardly be over emphasized and yet, many of us, and certainly most of the students, only follow a rudimentary schedule.  Without a schedule, a plan, we certainly maintain spontaneity, usually resulting in a loss of productivity.  Having a plan enables us to be certain we will do all that we want, operating without a plan makes it very unlikely.  Compare food shopping with a list to shopping without a list.  Which works better?

In our lives and the lives of our students we need to plan and schedule to both make certain we get everything done and to give us peace of mind that we are getting everything done.  Scheduling, the most common form of planning, is not only easy, it is extremely effective.   It allows us to make certain that our obligations to study and to work our chores are covered so when we lay down to sleep we don't have to worry about whether or not they are being taken care of.  A person who lives a scheduled life has time to play, to recreate, watch movies and hang out with friends.  They can avoid the Sunday night panic (when they realize the assignment they had been meaning to do has yet to be done!) and more peacefully coexist.

So in closing, I encourage you to work on writing a schedule with your students.  You will thank me if you do!

Pax Christi!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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