Tuesday, October 29, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 4.5

Walking Tiger

Dear Friends,

I hope you are enjoying the sun!

Dealing with the aftermath of the storm, which sometimes seemed never ending, we find a world that stands in need of repair.  Floods come whether you are ready or not, they come if you take notice, or you don't and their effect generally is large and damaging.  In their aftermath we find homes, businesses, and lives, lost, damaged and in great need.    The key thing in such cases is to lend a hand, to provide aid, to help rebuild.  Holy Family will be sending aid to St. John in Longmont and Sacred Heart of Jesus. Both of these schools were damaged in the storm.  If you would like to help in this effort we will be accepting donations for the next two weeks in the form of financial aid or with more concrete needs - see below. If you know of any Holy Family students who are in need of uniforms, school books, or other items, please contact the school.

In our lives we often find ourselves dealing with disasters big and small, some of them of our own making, many of them not.  What is most important is what are we going to do to set things right.  Certainly, responsibility must be taken and justice must be satisfied; alongside that rebuilding, repair and renewing must take place.  With a few weeks into the school year, I encourage you to check your student's grades and if the grades seem weak, work with your student and their teachers and counselors to achieve a good end.   

To all who have suffered loss in this storm, please be assured of our prayers. 


Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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