Tuesday, October 29, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 4.6

Walking Tiger

Dear Parents,

We continually ask our children to prepare, for school, for meals and for bed, among other things.  Life has taught us that the adage, 'fortune favors the prepared mind' remains something we should keep in mind.   Yet, preparation ranks fairly low on the list of desirable activities.  Hardly anyone likes practice as much as the contest one plans for, hardly anyone likes the studying of recipes as much the cooking or eating and most of us, especially teenagers,  like sleeping far more than getting ready for bed.   Time after time, we find practice makes perfect and 'proper preparation prevents poor public performance' (try saying that fast).   

A great lesson we can teach our students is the correlation between preparation and success, that if you study, do your assignments  and take care of yourself, you will stand a much better chance of success, and that if you procrastinate, work poorly, or cheat you will fail.  In life as a whole this also proves true; if we want our children to be successful in business we had better start laying the ground work here, as we do in the school.

Finally, the most important preparation is for heaven.  The greatest desire of a parent is that their child attains the beatific vision, the ultimate success.  We help our  children attain this the same way we help them master English or Social Studies, by encouraging them, by being a good example, and often, by getting down on our knees and praying for them.  It remains a wonderful privilege to educate your children and to work with you to show them how to be successful in this world, and the next.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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