Tuesday, October 29, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 4.2

Walking Tiger

Dear Parents,

St. Peter asked Christ, "Quo Vadis, Domine?"  Where are you going Lord?  Two millennia later we ask the same, for as Christians we know it is far better to follow God's will for our lives, than to follow the wisest counsel of man. 

The question inevitably arises, 'How are we to know God's will?'  Not all of us, indeed very few of us, will ever see Christ the way St. Peter did, most of us will find His will for us in another manner.     In the famous movie, 'A Man for All Seasons' St. Thomas More says, "God made the angels to show Him splendor, as He made animals for innocence and plants for their simplicity. But Man He made to serve Him wittily, in the tangle of his mind."    We find God's will precisely by using our intellect, by studying our subjects, by training our bodies so we can think clearly and by asking God for the gift of wisdom.  So it is God's will that a student studies, that a child respect and obey their parents, that we are chaste,  that we are honest and diligent. Yes, and so much more.  Knowing God's will for us is seldom difficult, following it, there's the challenge. We so often know what is needed to be done but are afraid or disinclined  to do such a thing.  Every student  knows they should study, they know it will make them do better, enjoy life more etc., but not every student studies.  Knowing must lead to action for the desired good to be achieved. When you seek God's will for you, get yourself ready.

So this year as we pray "Quo Vadis?" let us prepare ourselves to hear and obey God's will for us. 

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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