Tuesday, October 29, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 4.7

Walking Tiger

Dear Friends,

On the street where most of my children were born and spent their early lives there lived an elderly couple named the Caffery's.  The Caffery's had eight children of their own, all grown by the time we knew them.  They were a simply lovely couple.  Each Saturday morning Mr. Caffery would walk to the end of our cul-de-sac and gather the little boys of the neighborhood (and eventually the little girls). Together, he and his 'refuse engineers' would slowly walk up the street gathering every bit of trash.  At the end of the walk, the garbage disposed in the can, he would invite the boys to come in to his house, where Mrs. Caffery had fresh cookies for them, and if it was cold, hot cocoa.  They would eat the goodies while watching cartoons, old ones from the 40's and 50's that Mr. Caffery had from when his kids were young.   All finished, the boys thanked Mr. and Mrs. Caffery and off they went.

Over the years when each of my children are tasked to write a story about someone who made a difference in their life, without any collusion, they always have picked Mr. Caffery. They have never talked about it to each other but have all recognized the love he and his wife showed them, the value of a simple job done well, and the joy that life should have.  We like to think our greatest impact occurs when we do great things, when we right terrible wrongs, when we accomplish mighty tasks.  While that might be true, it is also true that the very greatest things we may ever do occur simply in our homes, our neighborhoods and our schools.  Today when your student goes to school, remind them to be kind to those around them, greeting those we meet with charity; in this way, we can be great Christians, even Saints.

Mr. Matt Caffery has passed to his eternal reward, a great big one for sure; but his memory lives on.  When you would ask how his day was, he would often answer, "The better for seeing you." May we say the same.

Pax Christi!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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