Tuesday, March 5, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.25

From the Principal's Desk 3.25

Walking Tiger    
Dear Friends,

I am struck that when we say the first words of the Creed in mass each Sunday, we are agreeing with a  profound truth.  We are not rendering an opinion when we say "I believe" as if other opinions are equally valid. No, we are saying definitively  there is God, who is  the Father Almighty (and so on)  and we are stating publicly that anyone who disagrees with this is in fact, wrong.  The truth exists absolutely; and my assent to it, or lack thereof fails to make it more or less true.

This way of thinking is commonplace.  We would all readily agree there is no such thing as 'Catholic' truth, or 'Muslim' truth or 'secular' truth;  there is only truth. If a medicine will cure an  illness, it does not matter who takes it ,who makes it or who discovered it.  If it effective, it is effective.  I may not like the way it was made, but that doesn't change its effectiveness.   If I am thirsty, I need water.  I may think I need maple syrup, but I need water.  Only water will quench my thirst whether I like it or not.  About the practical things of this world we clearly understand that truth stands on its own and we do not want our children to think any differently.  

Not everyone agrees with Catholics.  There are good, smart and well-meaning individuals and organizations who hold that Catholics are wrong.   In ages past this would prove to be a stumbling block, a point of departure.  Today,  we have learned that we can live in peace and work with our fellow man, as long as we can agree on basic tenets of human behavior.  This is how a Catholic High School can welcome Protestants, Jews and others to attend and even work for us.  With God's grace someday we will all be in agreement, until then we will work together trying to make this world a better place, one person at a time. 

Happy Lent,

Duc in Altum!
Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

 p.s.  Please let us know if you have any questions, cares, comments or concerns!

2013 Lenten Series 

Stories of Conversion

Please plan to attend this year's Holy Family Lenten Series, Stories of Conversion.

Beginning Thursday February 21 at 7:00 pm in the Library and for the following 4 Thursdays. Come and enjoy powerful stories of conversion and faith journey's.
Students and Parents are encouraged to attend! Refreshments afterward.  

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