Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.28

From the Principal's Desk 3.28

Walking Tiger    
Dear Friends,

The world awaits the selection of the successor of St. Peter and all eyes are on Rome. This presents an excellent opportunity to speak about what the Pope can and cannot do.  The Pope cannot change doctrine, he is not a soothsayer, or, except in very special circumstances, infallible.  He is the father of temporal church, he governs the Universal Church and, in the last few men at least, is a holy and wise man.  He can change how we perform certain sacraments, a bit; there is a limit to this.  His actions cannot contradict scripture or sacred tradition.  He does appoint Cardinals, Bishops and a host of other offices.  Except in rare cases, the Papacy is for life.  He has no peer, except that we are all equal before God. He is responsible for the entire world.  This is not a job, it is a calling.  He has no free time, everything he says is recorded, and people line up for days to see him, to seek him and to hear him.  And if he follows Christ we all benefit.  Personally my life is much richer, fuller and better because of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict.

We pray for the Pope at every mass; well does the successor of Peter need it.  The next Pontiff faces a world that is ever more desperate in its need for Christ, is fraught with tensions and pain, and eagerly seeks a leader.  May this man be the one we are waiting for.  He need be an apostle of love, of faith and of hope.

Let us pray for the Cardinal Electors as they select the next Pontiff.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School


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