Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.30

From the Principal's Desk 3.30

Walking Tiger    
Dear Friends,

Of all the weeks in our calendar, Holy Week stands as the one which demands that we pay attention to the final things: death, judgment, heaven or hell.  All students know the importance of final exams; the point at which there is no turning back, no extra credit, no more bargaining.   They recognize the importance of proper preparation, of using the entire term to prepare for the exam.  In the same way, we should use our whole lives preparing for our individual day of judgment.

The only way to be saved, the only way to gain admission to heaven, is through the blood of Christ, the sacrifice of Calvary.  No amount of good deeds will ever get us into heaven and it is a common mistake to think God will measure out our good deeds and compare them to our bad deeds and the heavier side determines our salvation.  We get to heaven not because we are filled with good deeds, but because our sins are forgiven.  This is why confession and baptism are so important, both free us from sin. 

So why bother with good deeds?  Why not just live a life of debauchery and repent at the last moment?  No one knows when they are to die.  We would all like to live a long time, die peacefully in bed surrounded by our family, but we don't get to make that choice.  Scripture says, 'Delay not the day of your salvation.'  Additionally, a good life is exactly what it sounds like.  To live a life filled with peace, joy, good character, kindness, love, patience, honesty, generosity etc., is to live a great life.   If our students all lived virtuous lives we would need no locks, there would be no stealing, lying, anger, lust, laziness, and our school would be filled with all good things and the love of God.   If we want to be ready for our day of judgment, let us live like we belong in Heaven, loving God and neighbor, mindful of God's great love for us and the sacrifice of the Cross.

Duc in Altum! 

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. Questions, cares, comments or concerns? Send them in.

Today we are celebrating the Women's 3A Basketball State Championship! Once again Ron Rossi and the Lady Tigers have won the state title for the fifth time in six years.  These young ladies demonstrate great ability and character on and off the court and we happy to celebrate them and with them!  Well done!

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