Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.29

From the Principal's Desk 3.29

Walking Tiger    
Dear Friends,

As Holy Week fast approaches let us take a moment to talk about what the Church means when she talks about sin.  Sin consists of an act against the will of God, a demon, (Genesis- sin is a demon lurking at your door. Its urge is toward you but you can be its master) and it is separation from God.  Fortunately, Christ's death of the cross freed us from all three of these terrible things.  When we commit a sin we act contrary to God's will and to our own self good.  Sin deadens or confuses the intellect.  It warps our judgment and sight.  For when we sin we start calling bad good, darkness light and lies truth.  None of our acts change reality.  Facts are stubborn things, they do not change.  So bad is still bad, good is still good; we just cannot see it.

God is all good and when we act badly we damage our relationship with him, this causes our confusion but is also the separation of sin.  A venial sin, a small violation of good, does not break the bond with God, but damages it. Mortal sin, a large violation of good, breaks that relationship with God.   Fortunately, all sin can be forgiven and the breaks and damages mended.  The venial ones we just need to ask God for forgiveness, the larger ones, the mortal sins, we need to go to confession and  ask a priest, who stands in as Christ, for forgiveness.

If we don't get our sins forgiven we will not have God freely acting in our lives. We may still hear God call us, just like your kids might hear you when they have the music blasting.  When our sins are forgiven then we can hear God clearly, we can see clearly, our minds are awake, our spirits are light and we are happy.  All of us, and students are no exception, when freed from sin do much better.   The student's scores go up, their grades improve and they are easier to deal with.  For this reason, and so that their chance of salvation is increased, we had two days of confession at school and Father Gabriel is available for confession.   I urge all of you to reconcile with God. As our new Pope Francis stated the other day, "God never gets tired of forgiving."  It is why he died for us.

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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