Tuesday, March 5, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.26

From the Principal's Desk 3.26

Walking Tiger    
Dear Friends,

Last night snow fell bringing much needed moisture to the land, creating a bit of hardship and a lot of beauty.  Life often has these qualities.  We find that what we need can bring with it some hardship and often a great deal of beauty.  To achieve a high school diploma, a need, one must study and work diligently-the hardship, becoming a well-developed young man or young woman- the beauty.   

There exists another aspect of this which needs to be considered, the corporate role of each individual.  If someone fails to do what they need to do, oftentimes others find they cannot accomplish their tasks.   If an open receiver finds the quarterback does not throw the ball to him, he cannot catch it and win the game.  It doesn't matter how open the receiver is, without the quarterback throwing him the ball, there is no play.   We can back that analogy even further to consider the role of the center, and the coach and the lineman, etc.   We find many of our actions depend on others for their success, and many of our actions allow others to succeed.  When we fail to act properly, seldom, if ever, do we only affect ourselves.   Our private short comings as well as our strengths effect far beyond what we think.    

So when our students are faced with a hardship, or an opportunity let us encourage them.  The impact of their labors is incalculable.

Finally,  to illustrate this last point this year's Lenten series began last week with a wonderful talk by Paul VanHoudt.  This week's story of conversion is by our very own Matthew Gear.
If you ever wanted to know what makes Mr. Gear who he is, this is your moment.  This Thursday from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the library Mr. Gear will kindly share his conversion story.  I heartily encourage all to come.  

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. All questions, cares, comments and concerns are welcome!

Year of Faith 2013 Lenten Series - Stories of Conversion

Please plan to attend this year's Holy Family Lenten Series, Stories of Conversion 
   Hear the powerful stories of conversions and faith this Lent presented by members of the Holy Family Community.
Speaker Schedule:  
 Thursday, Feb. 28 - Matthew Gear 
Thursday, March 7 - Peter Galmish
Thursday, March 14 - Tim Gallic
Thursday, March 21 - Michaelann Martin
Presentations will be in the HF Library- 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Refreshments will be served after the presentations. 

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