Tuesday, March 5, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.27

From the Principal's Desk 3.27

Walking Tiger    
Dear Holy Family Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we convey the tragic news of the death of the baby of one of our faculty members.  Albert Castillo and his wife Nicolette lost their 7 month old baby boy over the weekend and while we don't know all the details, we do know that this is a family who will need help and support during the coming days and months.  We ask for your prayers  for the Castillo family during this difficult time.

Students, faculty and staff were informed of this news yesterday and were allowed to go to the chapel to pray and to speak with someone if they were struggling with the news.   

In an effort to help the Castillo family through the coming months, a fund has been created at the
mGive Foundation by a parent at the Goddard school where Nicolette Castillo is a teacher.  This parent is the Executive Director of the mGive foundation.  The fund has been created to help the family with financial aid for the myriad of expenses they will undoubtedly experience as a result of this tragedy.   If you are wondering how you can help, this is an option. 

Families can donate funds to The mGive Foundation- Castillo Family Fund.  100% of the donations will be sent directly to Albert and Nicolette. 
There are three easy ways to give:
  1. Check/Cash:  Make a check payable to The mGive Foundation.  In the memo line, please write Castillo Family Fund.  You can either drop a check off in our collection box located in the main vestibule, or mail a check to: 
    The mGive Foundation, Attn: Jen Snyder, 2150 West 29th Avenue,
    Second Floor,  Denver, Colorado 80211.
  2. Credit Card:  Starting tomorrow afternoon, you can text the word HOPE to 80108 to give a donation using your credit card.  (There is a small processing fee that will be deducted from each donation given through credit card.)
  3. $10 text donations:  You can text the word FAMILY to 80108 to give a $10 donation to the mGive Foundation's Castillo Family Fund. 
Life is precious, from the baby unborn in the womb to the elderly and  the infirm.  The loss of a baby strikes the heart in a manner that shatters the day's peace and causes us to cry out to God, "WHY!"  It is right and proper that we ask God,  and we express to God that we don't like what is going on.   We shouldn't like it, we should be grateful.  Grateful for the death of a child? What madness is that? No, we are  grateful for the salvation of a little boy, and sorrow at how it happened.  We all want  our children to share in the beatific vision, to spend eternity happy before the thrown of God, but we want them to get there after us, and after a long life filled with wonder.    

It remains for us to help those whose journeys are not yet ended.  It is those who are left,  the Castillo family,  who must shoulder the burden and the loss.  As in all things hope remains   that one day we shall see all of our loved ones again.  Until that day, let us help as we can, pray as we ought, encourage as we are able, and be a strength for our friends in their time of grief.

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. All questions, cares, comments and concerns are welcome!

Year of Faith 2013 Lenten Series - Stories of Conversion

Please plan to attend this year's Holy Family Lenten Series, Stories of Conversion 
   Hear the powerful stories of conversions and faith this Lent presented by members of the Holy Family Community.
Speaker Schedule:  
 Thursday, March 7 - 6:15p.m. - Peter Galmish
**Please note this time has changed

Thursday, March 14 - 7:00p.m. - Tim Gallic
Thursday, March 21 - 7:00p.m. -  Michaelann Martin

   Presentations will be in the HF Library
Refreshments will be served after the presentations. 

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