Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 2.9

Dear Friends and Supporters

With a grateful sigh of relief Spirit Week and the festivities of Homecoming are now behind us.  If you were fortunate enough to partake in any (or all) of the events I am certain you would agree that truly one of the best Spirit weeks occurred.  This could not have happened without an enormous amount of volunteers; men and women who gave of their time, treasure and talents to help our kids celebrate dance and cheer.   I attempted to thank as many as possible but for those I missed,  thank you very much!

As usual this brings something to mind, our success often, in fact inevitably, comes as a result of someone else’s labors.  It is a fallacy to think we ever succeed entirely on our own but from the first we receive aid and soon afterward, we give aid.  Scripture tells us it is more blessed to give than to receive and as we age we find out the truth of that statement.  Our students had a great time because they behaved well and participated fully but without the hard work of the parents and staff, they would have had none of the events they enjoyed.  So give yourself a pat on the back and remember, we are just like them, if someone else had not helped us where would we be?  Perhaps that is why God often reminds us to be grateful and humble.  Or as a great Spiritual advisor of my youth used to tell me “It’s all gift, it’s all gift” 

So I end with Thanking Almighty God, for the good weather, the successful events, the wonderful students and their families, and most of all…for the hope of Salvation through Jesus Christ!

God bless,
Tim Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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