Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 2.6

From the Principal’s Desk 2.6
Dear Friends,

Last week I spoke about character being the truest indicator of eventual success.  You may have heard the term ‘teaching the whole person’.  This sums up succinctly the manner in which Catholic Schools educate.   We, as humans, exist as both soul and body, and we recognize the reality that when we die, our spirit continues.  While here on earth we interact with our soul through the medium of our bodies.  Therefore when I exercise and train my body I care for my soul,  when I study my academic subjects, I care for my soul and when I pray I care for my soul.  There is no discontinuity between them, we cannot do anything to our body that does not affect the soul, and when our soul is burdened by sin and evil, our body will carry the signs of that burden. 

In this world of ours we find much attention being paid to our physical bodies, and much of that is good, yet to the care of our souls, we see very little.  As Christians, let us not forget that when we care for our souls, we care for ourselves.  When we teach our children to pray, about the love of God, about who they are as God’s children, we care for their souls even more than when we train them physically and mentally.  Let us not forget that to train our minds allows us to better understand God’s word for us and his wisdom and makes following God’s will easier.

So at Holy Family we strive to produce young men and women who are academically the best prepared in the West and who care for their souls, like saints.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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