Tuesday, November 29, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 2.14

Dear Friends,
As we are now back to work, with the remnants of Thanksgiving dinner still occupying a premium spot in our fridge, it is time to turn our combined attention to more weighty concerns.
While the rest of the world is focused on shopping and celebrating Christmas, we, though mindful of what is occurring outside our homes, are called by Mother Church to contemplate why Christ came and what the circumstances of His birth were.   For my part I would like to spend the next four weeks looking at specific elements of that first Nativity using a method you may have learned in High School;  Who, What, When and Where…the four W’s.

Who… Who can describe or explain.  Who can fathom the person who is the Christ?  In the Christmas Song, ‘Mary Did You Know’  the question is put to Mary asking,  Did you know when you kiss your little baby you kiss the face of God…The awesome spectacle of God, the one who made the world, who holds our lives in his hands, who keeps the laws of Science working, who created everything in a moment, and has let it unfold over billions of years, who has more power in one of His tears  than all the great armies of men, or the power of all the suns, humbling himself to become man. 

I am proud to be a father of six children, and I know the first time in each of their lives I held them in my arms, small defenseless and innocent, their lives entirely beholden to others, and yet, in my heart there rose such a love that I would rather die than have them suffer any harm.  I imagine many of you have felt similar emotions.  But imagine, in Mary and Joseph’s case it really was the baby holding them.  

Jesus is pure gift, pure love…O come let us adore Him.

Happy Advent,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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