Tuesday, November 22, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 2.13

Dear Friends,

Can we ever be grateful enough?   I doubt it.

Each year as Thanksgiving gives us a moment to pause, to enjoy the friends and family, the blessings and triumphs of the past year, as well as the trials and difficulties, and to give them all to God with an attitude of gratefulness.  

It seems such an American thing to sit around a table, groaning with the weight of turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes and beans, pumpkin pie and others or some odd vegetable the family has been bringing for generations, (creamed onions were a staple at each Thanksgiving, although to my knowledge they were also routinely disposed of at the end.)  Careful readers of the last sentence might realize its ambiguity, am I referring to the people sitting or the table…hmmm.

So as you polish off the sweet potatoes, guzzle a pint or two of apple cider and laugh at the uproarious stories of your own family and others, as you look at the bounty spread before you, both material and spiritual, save a toast for our Creator and thank Him who is pure gift love… and prepare yourself for turkey sandwiches as you watch the last of the football.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

PS. I just received word, unofficially, that despite the destruction all around, the relics of Blessed John Paul the Great were not damaged in the St. Malo’s fire!  Let us give thanks indeed!

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