Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 2.10

Dear Friends,

Today is the feast of All the Saints,
This leads me to the question; what does it take to become a Saint?  The answer is simple; get to heaven.  That’s right; all we need to do is get to heaven. 

So, how do we get to heaven? It is as easy as can be, just do the will of God.

Herein lies the rub, what is the will of God? 

To be who you are meant to be, His child; To love your neighbor as yourself, to work hard and to study hard.  We do not have to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca to be saved, or perform mighty acts like St. Theresa of Calcutta, we need to love our Parents, we need to pray and talk to God, we need to follow the Church’s teachings, not only because they bring order to life, but because they warn of evil.  When the Church tells us something is sinful, it is doing so because that sinful act will bring harm.  That is why it is called a sin. 

Our students may think that to be a saint one must give up all earthly joys and meditate in a cave eating bugs.  Well, perhaps God is calling you to do that but I suspect not! To be a Saint is to be fully human, to love God, to have a family, to love your spouse, to have joys and sickness, life and death.  So let us encourage our children to be saints, to live life to the fullest, to fight hard and win, to drink deep of the spring of Salvation and to humbly follow our God.   

Each night when I say ‘Good night’ to my children, I ask them what ultimately matters most, and they respond, ‘to be a Saint’.  May we all remember that and strive to one day be Saints.

Happy All Saints Day!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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