Wednesday, May 25, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 1.5

From the Principal’s Desk 1.5
As we are all well aware at this time, today is ‘Election Day’.  No matter for which candidate you vote, it is a defining tradition of the United States that we vote freely and for whom we wish and then suffer the consequences for good or ill. Young people often have a hard time seeing the connection between their actions and the result, so we at Holy Family do our best to try and teach it. Homework can be a help in developing the attitude that each action has a consequence.  It allows students to see the direct consequence of their actions. When students choose to do homework, they gain credit and secure knowledge; when students choose not to do homework, they gain no credit and secure no knowledge.  

Have a great Feast of All Souls and let us remember to pray for those who are deceased that they may attain the beatific vision we all so much desire.

As usual any question cares comments or concerns, send them in!

God bless
Tim Gallic

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