Tuesday, May 24, 2011

From the Principal's Desk 1-1

From the Principal’s Desk 1.1
Dear Parents,
Each week I will be putting a few thoughts together for the Tuesday messages. The intent of these comments will be to let you know some of the great things we are doing up here at the school and to share with you some thoughts about life and education. 

To start with I would like to commend and thank all those who worked so hard on Spirit Week and Homecoming. Everywhere I turned I saw parents manning stations, cooking food, serving food, and cleaning up, and several die-hards even worked late into the night painting the football field. It is because of all of your help that we can pull off these events and have such a great time.  If you ever want to join in the fun, keep your ears open for a chance to volunteer for any one of the many activities.

With Homecoming behind us, its business as usual teaching the students about their faith and their world, and with cross country, softball, soccer, volleyball, and football filling up our spare time. If you ever are looking for something to do, there is probably a sporting event going on up here at the school!

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