Tuesday, May 24, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 1.2

From the Principal’s Desk 1.2
Has anyone noticed the chill in the air? I think, at last, fall has found us and therefore snow can not be far away. It is always my hope that snow falls when school is not in session, but when it falls in the morning, we all know what that can mean. So please make sure we have your correct email and phone number just in case we have a late start or a snow day. 

One of the great blessings of Catholic schools is that ability to treat each child as they deserve; to treat them as children of God!  This applies to all and in all we do. We all want our students to act according to their nature, that is to say, to act nobly as members of Jesus’ family, the Holy Family.  This is not an easy task or a fast one but rather one that takes many years and a lot of devotion. It is our joy to partner with you in this task.

Finally, this week is the PSAT and the PLAN test week. Tomorrow the freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be taking their tests. Please encourage your students to get a good night of sleep and eat a decent breakfast so as to be best prepared to do well.

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