Tuesday, May 24, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 1.3

From the Principal’s Desk 1.3
Today is the feast of St. Isaac Jogues and the North American Martyrs. These fine men, martyred by the Indians they had come over to serve gave up everything they had to serve the natives of North America.  It is because of men and women like them that we have the faith, because they would let nothing stand in the way of them spreading the gospel. If you are interested about their lives please go to http://www.martyrshrine.org/

As you hopefully know by now we have mass 4 days a week before school at 7:20 AM, Monday through Thursday and the Rosary is said after mass on Wednesday. If you ever have a chance I invite you to attend and also to encourage your students to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

We all know of the PSAT and the ACT and the PLAN tests that our students take; we live in a world of high stakes testing and it is on these tests our students are judged. I am glad to say that while our scores have historically been among the highest in the area the true measure of success is found in the lives of our alumni. So if you ever hear a good story about our alumni please let us know. We never tire of hearing good news.

God bless
Tim Gallic

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