Tuesday, May 24, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 1.4

From the Principal’s Desk 1.4
What a great news I have to share! Last week I received official notice that Holy Family is ranked as one of the top 50 Catholic high schools in the nation!  The Acton Institute every two years ranks schools across the nation and awards 50 of the best of them the honor of being recognized as a top school in the land.  This honor reflects our commitment to the truth, respect, responsibility and academic excellence. It is no wonder that our alumni do so well when they go to college and beyond.

This week is Parent Teacher Conference time. Twice a year we open up the school so that you can meet with your student’s teachers to discuss class. It is a wonderful time to find out how well your student in doing and perhaps where they need to improve.  While we are always available to schedule parent meetings, Parent Teacher Conferences are a great way to meet with all the teachers. There is no scheduling necessary; just come when you can.  They will run on Wednesday from 2:30-4:30 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. and on Thursday from 9 -11 a.m.

Of course you all know that Holy Family is one of the best schools in the country, and I urge you to spread the word!  (Open house on Nov. 7, and I will speak more about that next week)  We are committed to making sure all who can attend Holy Family do so.

So any questions, cares, comments or concerns, don’t hesitate to send them in, as well as the good news!

God bless

Tim Gallic

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