Tuesday, June 7, 2011

From the Pricipal's Desk 1.6-1.17

From the Principal’s Desk 1.17
Dear Parents and Friends,

I think I am not alone in enjoying the break from the bitter cold and snow we have been having. It is a blessed relief not to worry about snow days and delays, at least for now. This gives us an opportunity to remind our students that all of life’s crosses and trials come to an end. It seems that truly it is darkest before dawn. The storm is fiercest just as it ends.  One of the graces we are taught to pray for is the grace of perseverance, so that when life’s storms come we can see them to the end.  When students confront a particularly daunting assignment, a paper, a project, a test or the like, they often feel the storm clouds gathering and night closing in. This is when we get the chance to remind them the truth of what we know.  It is often the first steps that are the most difficult.

The following is a favorite poem of my father; I believe it states the case well.

Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

- Author unknown
From the Principal’s Desk 1.16
Well, after weeks of no snow, another storm,  but I will not dwell upon that, instead, I would like to draw your attention to Parent Teacher conferences that are scheduled for next week. Conferences are a great time to briefly speak to your child’s teacher and gain some insight to what is going on in their class. The times are listed in this email. While there is no appointment necessary, it is advisable to try to come as early as possible.

Last week was Catholic Schools week.  It is good every now and again to focus on the great things that are done in Catholic Schools.  Your choice to send your child to Holy Family guarantees they will have a chance to experience not only a full college preparatory education but also first class Catholic theology.  We want our graduates to be the best prepared students west of the Mississippi and we are happy to have you partner with us in that task. If you ever see ways we can improve please do not hesitate to contact us.

From the Principal’s Desk 1.15
Greetings on this cold day!

Just a quick note about today! We are blessed to be able to offer instruction today and to continue our work of bringing understanding and the knowledge of God’s creation to your children. So why are we open when other schools are closed?  The answer is simply; we don’t use buses.
This means we don’t have students standing at bus stops waiting in the cold, and we don’t have to keep the buses running.

I am glad that we have the ability to offer instruction to students today instead of focusing on those issues however I can not know all of the road conditions in all of the areas we come from which is why I wanted to remind everyone that it is their prerogative to allow their children to come to school or to keep them home.

Thanks for supporting us at the school. May God bless you in all your endeavors!

From the Principal’s Desk 1.14
Let me start by stating our firm and unwavering commitment to building a Culture of Life, as Venerable John Paul the Great urged us. In a country that can not even protect the lives of the unborn it is all the more necessary for us to do so.  Holy Family High School in all of its activities strives to embrace and celebrate the gift of life that God has graced us with and to teach others to do the same, so that someday a human life will be cherished by all and protected by law from conception until natural death. Oh Lord, may that day soon come!

The annual Sadie Hawkins dance was held last Friday and it was a great success. I want to thank the Parents who helped us and also tell you the students behaved great. When everyone comes to have a good time and to follow the guidelines of the event the results are inevitably great! Our next dance is the Prom and I will be sending out more involved instructions shortly. If you are thinking about buying a dress, please wait until we get a chance to send out our expectations.

Kairos is going on this week so please keep all the participants, and the adults, in your prayers.

Please note the advertisement for Camp Wojtyla (John Paul II Polish name) which is attached to this note. It is an opportunity for your student to grow in their faith and to have a valuable outdoors experience, and have a lot of fun.

From the Principal’s Desk 1.13
Dear Friends,
As is our tradition, we are once again excited to announce the 2011 Lenten Series-

Conversion Stories; The Saints and Our Kids

These talks are designed to help in the evangelization of our children, to bring them to know Christ better.  Passing on our faith is the greatest task we have as parents as it was for our parents and theirs. In its truest sense, conversion is a personal event; all of us must at some time decide to follow Christ. We can lead our children to the waters of faith; they must decide whether to drink. We do realize that thirsty children tend to drink most deeply.   

The Saints are given to us by God so that we can have hope. They all were children once, they all struggled to find God and they all did extra-ordinary things with the ordinary lives they were given. It is my most fervent hope that all of my children become Saints. I hope you feel the same.  

We will spend each week examining a saint’s life, finding out where they struggled, how they succeeded and what real world lessons we can draw from them.

March 9           St. Athanasius                                   Mr. Timothy Gallic
March 15         G.K.Chesterton                                  Mr. Peter Galmish
March 22         St. Augustine                                     Dr. Frank Gumerlock
5              St Gianna Molla                                Miss Brittany Lane
April 12            St. Therese’s Parents                          Miss Suzie Powers
April 19            St. Benedict                                        Mr. Dave Good

We will be meeting in the library from 7PM until 8 PM. Then following the talk there will be time for discussion.

I hope you can make it and please spread the word;
All are welcome, student and parent alike!
The audio recordings from last year are still available on the homepage of the school website at http://www.holyfamilyhs.com/

From the Principal’s Desk 1.12
We made it through Christmas and lo and behold, snow arrives! From all reports it seems that all the students arrived safely. As you can imagine calling a snow day or a late start is a difficult decision that must be made in the early morning hours; I make the best decision I can with the information I have.

As the second semester is underway I wish to urge you to have your students avail themselves of the opportunity they have to receive extra help from the teachers. Each and every day from 2:25 until 2:45 we have access and additionally teachers are available until 3 PM if they are needed further. The National Honor Society has student tutors who are available for tutoring. They have had historically excellent results please do not hesitate to use them.

Our goal is the education of the whole person and as part of that I want to remind all that mass is said Monday through Thursday at 7:20 AM in our chapel and Father Gabriel is available for confession.

Finally, thank you for choosing Holy Family for your child.

From the Principal’s Desk 1.11
Happy New Year! And Merry Christmas (still!)

I hope and trust you all had a great break and are as excited as we are to have the students back in the building. It has been a blessed time celebrating and now it is time to get back to work. I thought I would start the New Year talking briefly about the date of graduation.  We were confronted with several time constraints in selecting graduation, the league track and field meets, as well as the senior exams are the week before graduation. From Thursday May 19 through Saturday May 21 are the state track finals. This means that if we schedule a Thursday or Friday graduation we will eliminate some of the students from attending. Additionally as the class size is larger this year than in the last several we are finding the gymnasium rather full and although we can have graduation there it is not ideal. Spring mornings in Colorado are generally mild and fair and an outside graduation can be a lovely experience, having it during daylight hours also makes it easier to navigate the walkways. In short our preference would not be to have it in the middle of the week but unless we want to forgo the state track meet we have little choice.  

Thank you for your support of Catholic education in general and this school in particular.
May God bless you and your families during the remainder of the Christmas Season and the entire year
From the Principal’s Desk 1.10
As this year draws to an end, and as the students study and take their exams, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We will all enjoy a good break, see family and friends and experience that particular joy which Christmas brings. The school will not be silent during that time and when we all return for the spring semester the gym will have a fresh coat of wax and look awesome.

Of course we are not over just yet, so please encourage your students to be diligent to the end, after all it isn’t just Santa who is watching!

We are blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives and this school is no exception. We are blessed to have you in our lives. You honor us by trusting us with your children; enabling us to help you impart the great gifts of knowledge and understanding. Most of all you let us join you in imparting our faith with this next generation.

Thank you and (again) Merry Christmas!
From the Principal’s Desk 1.9
The first semester draws to a close and for all their actions the students must now reap the reward. For most it will be a happy occasion and for some a more challenging one. One of the benefits of school in general is that it reminds us of our Day of Judgment when we shall be called upon to give and account of our lives. Fortunately, semester grades are not anywhere near the same level as our final exam!  Advent helps us understand how great it is that after so long a wait the Messiah comes and gives us the chance to accept some divine ‘extra credit’ !

You may have noticed we do not have a Crèche set up at school. We had commissioned one to be made and the order was not filled however we did not find out until after it was too late to get another one. We will make sure we have one by next Advent.

I hope you get a chance to join us tomorrow night for the Winter Concert at 7pm. It promises to be a wonderful performance with our very talented students. Come and see; go and tell!

I pray your Advent goes well and your preparation for Christmas is a peaceful one.

From the Principal’s Desk 1.8
May all of you have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving Day! On this day, as families gather to give thanks, may all of us be truly grateful for all who have gone before us. Our school and our faith did not start with us but came as a result of generations of faithful witness to the truth of God’s love for us in Christ Jesus.  Will the same be said of us someday? I sure hope so!

No doubt you have heard of the success of our tree and wreath fundraiser. Big thanks to all of you who helped especially Gloria Olson, Martin Barrett, Patty Gabriel and Marianne Alonzo.

Finally, one of the aspects of a truly Catholic school is that it celebrates with all the Christian Churches. Ecumenism is at the heart of our Church and recognizes what unites us is greater than what divides us. So it is with great joy that we can join with all our brothers and sisters in the Lord and thank Him for this country and all the blessings in it.

From the Principal’s Desk 1.7
As we deal with the first snowfall of the season please take a moment and make sure we have all of your contact information up to date. No one likes a call at 5:45 AM but it beats missing such a call and bringing your kids to a school that is closed because of the weather.  Also please remember delayed openings are to give your child more time to get to school, not to let them sleep in as they might suggest.

If you had a chance to see the play “You can’t take it with you” performed here at the high school you got to see a great performance. The Cast and the stage crew all did a great job getting the theater in shape as well as learning their parts. A big congratulation is in order for them.

We also have students who help run other activities, in particular I should mention the members of Student Council who recently assisted in Open House and the Ambassador’s Club who help us bring the good news about our school to future students.

As you may have heard we had to remove the old stage and are currently looking at alternatives for what we will replace it with; stay tuned we will have something shortly.

From the Principal’s Desk 1.6
The open house this past Sunday was a resounding success and I would like to thank both Eric Nakayama and Jennifer Wilcomb for all their work as well as all the staff and parents who helped. We know what a great treasure we have at the school; it sure is nice when we get a chance to show the rest of the community. Of course if you know anyone who missed the open house we are always available for tours or shadowing.

One thing I said to everyone at the open house, and it bears repeating, is that our goal at Holy Family is to treat each child as they deserve; as someone for whom God died. We are therefore committed to make sure each student is seen as an awesome Child of God whom we are pledged to work with to help them achieve their full potential.

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