Tuesday, June 7, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 1.26
Dear Friends,
Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was Risen from the Dead! And although many eons have passed the power of that resurrection remains undiminished. In the end all of our children will stand before the judgment seat of God and behold Christ in his entire splendor. At that critical stage, that final exam, they shall receive the just reward for the life they have lived.   It is our duty to make certain they know their faith and are given the tools to succeed in life. With both they can live up to the potential that God made them for.

Happy Easter!

From the Principal’s Desk 1.25
Dear Friends,
As we near the great feast of our Faith, I am aware of the many and varied blessings that cause me to be grateful. For the salvation won for us on Calvary I am eternally thankful. For giving the world enough time for myself and my family to be born and baptized, I am eternally thankful. For the great company of witnesses I am daily surrounded by I am thankful and for this school where we can fearlessly proclaim that, as John 3:16 states, “ For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” I am thankful forever!

May all of you have a Blessed Triduum and an Easter Season filled with God’s grace.

From the Principal’s Desk 1.24
Dear Parent and Friends,

Last week Holy Family was privileged to have Tom Monaghan speak to the Seniors and Juniors. Mr. Monaghan is the founder and former owner of Domino’s Pizza, former owner of the Detroit Tigers (he owned them when they won the World Series) and the founder and Chancellor of Ave Maria University near Naples, Florida.  He spoke about losing his Father when he was 6 and spending 6 years in orphanages, of failing in many ways before becoming one of the richest men in the nation. He spoke of having everything, 242 classic cars, a fleet of helicopters and planes, yachts, homes etc. and of the realization that he didn’t need it and it was just pride. So he sold everything and has been using his wealth to build the kingdom of God. An amazing story of a man who found putting God first makes all the difference.  The whole story of Tom Monaghan is long and involved yet I think the students had a chance to see who he is.

With no small satisfaction I should relate that the loudest cheer the students gave Mr. Monaghan was not for his wealth or success but rather when he mentioned that in August he and his wife will celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary.

I am happy to relate that Prom and After- Prom went off quite well thanks to the hard work and vigilance of many of the staff and parents. To all of you I must say Thank You!  

God bless, Easter is coming but we are not done yet!

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