Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fromthe Principal's Desk 3.13

Dear Friends,
Last week I mentioned I would start discussing Character traits and the role they play in the formation and life of a young adult.  I will start that discussion by looking at the virtue of Patriotism.  (It is Election Day after all!)  Before I go on I do want to state that none of the traits I am discussing out-rank each other as they are all tied together in the framework of our life, some are more central and some are less so; all are important.

Patriotism, the love of one’s country, may seem an odd choice.  After all, why is it even on the list?  To begin one must realize that we are in this nation as part of God’s plan.  Many of us were born here and some have immigrated; all of us choose to be here.  It is in this nation we will live our lives and work out our salvation.  We could be elsewhere but we are not.  To love the nation that fed you, educated you, protects you, that provided your culture and way of life is too love who you are as a human person.  To desire that country to be great is a noble desire.  We are all familiar with the statement, ‘My country right or wrong’  we may not be familiar with the often forgotten next line ,’ when right to keep her right, when wrong to make her right.’  To be willing to die to protect this country of ours and to be willing to live a life worthy of such sacrifice emboldens the human spirit.  We want our students to have a lively and energetic love of this country, and a desire to help make it a better place.

In a larger sense we want our students and ourselves to be mostly in love with that everlasting kingdom, with the reign of Christ the King, to be ardent patriots of Heaven, our final and permanent home.  Each nation need have its individual patriots, together we all can be God’s faithful Patriots.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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