Tuesday, November 20, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.15

Dear Friends,
First, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the annual Tree and Wreath Fundraiser.   Because of your participation we once again made our goal of $45,000.00.  As a result, students and staff will all have an additional day off of school on Monday, November 26th.  Enjoy the extra long holiday with family and friends!

Trait of the Week:  GRATITUDE

The trait of Gratitude, or thankfulness in its exercise, ranks high in desirability and yet rare in appreciation. We instinctively know the importance of this trait as we start teaching it to our youngest children.  How grand it would be should we, by happy chance, meet a truly thankful person, one who rightly sees the world they live in, and their contribution and is cognizant of how much was given to them, a happy soul, and a pleasant one.  The person who recognizes that everything they have results from a gift by the Almighty sees the world in all its wonder.  Gratitude changes everything.  In the midst of life’s difficulties, only the one who is grateful is free.  When your work is overwhelming, when you find prospects bleak, consciously be grateful.   Each day we rise, and give thanks for the ability to hear, to see, to breath.  To give thanks for their lack would be difficult!  Our children, even in the most challenging moments, what a gift!  Is there pain?  Is their loss?  Yes, but so much more is the blessing, if we have eyes to see it.  I do not mean we are to be blind to evil and call it good; we are to acknowledge that evil, like darkness, is dispelled by good, that the story does not end in misery, it always rises to a new morn, a glorious sunrise, a new day full of promise, and heaven beyond.  Finally a comment by Chesterton seems to say it well,

 “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. “

In my life I find so much to be grateful for and this week, as we gather around a large roasted turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, family and friends, in warm homes, this most Christian of our Secular Holidays, let us give thanks to Him who created, saved and redeemed us, and gave us such a wonderful life.   

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s.  Parents, in this section I always ask for you to send to me your thoughts, comments, cares or concerns, the reason I do this is that despite the fact I walk around the building several times each day, stop by classrooms often and talk to teachers and students throughout the day I cannot see all that is happening in the school.  You do.  Your students and you collectively know everything that is going on and if you don’t tell me, I may never know.   So if you have an issue that you would like addressed, please let me know, it is the only way I can help you.

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