Tuesday, November 13, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.12

Dear Friends,
The goal of Holy Family is to produce graduates who have the greatest chance of success in the world we live in.  They need to be academically proficient, have a strong faith and they need strong character.   Character is more than simply the ability to endure; rather it is the traits that allow us to thrive in the world we inhabit.   If ability can be likened to muscles, the more ability the greater the muscle strength, then character can be likened to training.  A person with enormous ability but poor character lacks the capacity to fully harness their skills and will amount to very little.  In comparison one with strong character can take their skills set, large or small, and use it to achieve enormous things. 

Character traits can and often do lack a moral component.  A person with strong aspects to their character can do great evil or great good.  For this reason we want our students to also have a strong moral compass, a well-trained conscience and an understanding of who they are as children of God. 

I will be discussing character traits for the next few weeks to illustrate the points in this message.   
Finally, as some of you know I come from New Jersey and have a very large family that still resides in the Garden State.  They are all safe and sound although many are without power and there are a few trees that have landed on their homes.  For all who have lost their lives as well as for those who must rebuild and replace let us remember to pray.

Duc in Altum!  

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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