Tuesday, November 13, 2012

From the Principal's Desk 3.11

Dear Parents,
In two weeks we will undertake one of the most distinctive and important duties of Americans and elect many of our leaders.  While much of the focus is on the Presidential race and congressional races the vast majority of persons chosen to lead us are local officials whose individual judgments will impact us often on a daily basis.   As good citizens we want to be aware of our choices and to prayerfully make them, and want God’s blessing on our choices.  This of course presents an excellent educational opportunity for us.  We pray for God’s wisdom and guidance to help us choose wisely.  It is precisely putting faith into action that we show that if we fail to ask God’s blessing we are saying it is all up to mankind. If we fail to act according to how God’s shows us than we state He is not wise enough.  If we vote the way we believe we should and the results are not what we hoped for, we can then, with complete confidence, realize that this is God’s permissive will and the result of mankind not following Him.  

Perhaps not the most prosaic way of bringing home the point that God respects our free will so much that he lets us deal with the consequences of our choices, and that our actions have a larger effect than just ourselves but it is a very timely one.   In light of this fact we are going to have the school say a rosary for the elections on Nov. 5 and Nov. 6 

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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