Wednesday, May 25, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 1.5

From the Principal’s Desk 1.5
As we are all well aware at this time, today is ‘Election Day’.  No matter for which candidate you vote, it is a defining tradition of the United States that we vote freely and for whom we wish and then suffer the consequences for good or ill. Young people often have a hard time seeing the connection between their actions and the result, so we at Holy Family do our best to try and teach it. Homework can be a help in developing the attitude that each action has a consequence.  It allows students to see the direct consequence of their actions. When students choose to do homework, they gain credit and secure knowledge; when students choose not to do homework, they gain no credit and secure no knowledge.  

Have a great Feast of All Souls and let us remember to pray for those who are deceased that they may attain the beatific vision we all so much desire.

As usual any question cares comments or concerns, send them in!

God bless
Tim Gallic

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

From the Principal’s Desk 1.4

From the Principal’s Desk 1.4
What a great news I have to share! Last week I received official notice that Holy Family is ranked as one of the top 50 Catholic high schools in the nation!  The Acton Institute every two years ranks schools across the nation and awards 50 of the best of them the honor of being recognized as a top school in the land.  This honor reflects our commitment to the truth, respect, responsibility and academic excellence. It is no wonder that our alumni do so well when they go to college and beyond.

This week is Parent Teacher Conference time. Twice a year we open up the school so that you can meet with your student’s teachers to discuss class. It is a wonderful time to find out how well your student in doing and perhaps where they need to improve.  While we are always available to schedule parent meetings, Parent Teacher Conferences are a great way to meet with all the teachers. There is no scheduling necessary; just come when you can.  They will run on Wednesday from 2:30-4:30 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. and on Thursday from 9 -11 a.m.

Of course you all know that Holy Family is one of the best schools in the country, and I urge you to spread the word!  (Open house on Nov. 7, and I will speak more about that next week)  We are committed to making sure all who can attend Holy Family do so.

So any questions, cares, comments or concerns, don’t hesitate to send them in, as well as the good news!

God bless

Tim Gallic

From the Principal’s Desk 1.3

From the Principal’s Desk 1.3
Today is the feast of St. Isaac Jogues and the North American Martyrs. These fine men, martyred by the Indians they had come over to serve gave up everything they had to serve the natives of North America.  It is because of men and women like them that we have the faith, because they would let nothing stand in the way of them spreading the gospel. If you are interested about their lives please go to

As you hopefully know by now we have mass 4 days a week before school at 7:20 AM, Monday through Thursday and the Rosary is said after mass on Wednesday. If you ever have a chance I invite you to attend and also to encourage your students to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

We all know of the PSAT and the ACT and the PLAN tests that our students take; we live in a world of high stakes testing and it is on these tests our students are judged. I am glad to say that while our scores have historically been among the highest in the area the true measure of success is found in the lives of our alumni. So if you ever hear a good story about our alumni please let us know. We never tire of hearing good news.

God bless
Tim Gallic

From the Principal’s Desk 1.2

From the Principal’s Desk 1.2
Has anyone noticed the chill in the air? I think, at last, fall has found us and therefore snow can not be far away. It is always my hope that snow falls when school is not in session, but when it falls in the morning, we all know what that can mean. So please make sure we have your correct email and phone number just in case we have a late start or a snow day. 

One of the great blessings of Catholic schools is that ability to treat each child as they deserve; to treat them as children of God!  This applies to all and in all we do. We all want our students to act according to their nature, that is to say, to act nobly as members of Jesus’ family, the Holy Family.  This is not an easy task or a fast one but rather one that takes many years and a lot of devotion. It is our joy to partner with you in this task.

Finally, this week is the PSAT and the PLAN test week. Tomorrow the freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be taking their tests. Please encourage your students to get a good night of sleep and eat a decent breakfast so as to be best prepared to do well.

From the Principal's Desk 1-1

From the Principal’s Desk 1.1
Dear Parents,
Each week I will be putting a few thoughts together for the Tuesday messages. The intent of these comments will be to let you know some of the great things we are doing up here at the school and to share with you some thoughts about life and education. 

To start with I would like to commend and thank all those who worked so hard on Spirit Week and Homecoming. Everywhere I turned I saw parents manning stations, cooking food, serving food, and cleaning up, and several die-hards even worked late into the night painting the football field. It is because of all of your help that we can pull off these events and have such a great time.  If you ever want to join in the fun, keep your ears open for a chance to volunteer for any one of the many activities.

With Homecoming behind us, its business as usual teaching the students about their faith and their world, and with cross country, softball, soccer, volleyball, and football filling up our spare time. If you ever are looking for something to do, there is probably a sporting event going on up here at the school!