Monday, March 10, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.20

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

Lent is upon us! The great season of prayer and self-denial starts tomorrow! Hurrah! It is time to fast and abstain, to attend church and to pray and to love our neighbors.

Lent is boot camp for the soul; it is a time where we reorient our lives to that which really counts.  In the final analysis, the fineness of my food, the amount of TV I watch, the extra time I have to do nothing, will all count for little, but the time I pray, the time I seek God, the charity I give to others, the attention lavished on family and friends, the physical discipline I put my body through and the sacrifices I offer to God both in reparation for my sins and for the perfection of my soul; these will count enormously. 

Ultimately, following Christ consists of doing what He wants you to do.  That often means you have to do mundane tasks; homework, papers, studying, chores and the like are the very stuff of sainthood.  It matters most of all how you do it.  So this lent, when you have time to curb your appetites, to train your will and to show charity to others, don't hold back, but embrace it.  Daily mass, attend it, when studies are hard, offer them up, when your friend needs help, help them and when someone forgets their lunch, share.  The opportunities are all around us, use them.  You will be glad you did.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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