Monday, March 10, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.19

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

It is evident that we all want to see clearly. For this reason, I and many others wear corrective lenses, we clean windshields of debris and ice, and we polish camera lenses.  From instinct and personal experience we all recognize that the failure to see clearly can result in a very dangerous situation.  For this reason the church teaches us the value of humility.

Humility consists of seeing yourself and others correctly, not inflated or deflated, not as we wish they or we were, but rather exactly as we are.  Humility can be found by embracing the truth.  For example, consider a bride on her wedding day, she is dressed in a magnificent gown, her groom is ready for her, the church stands as she enters.  She is clearly the most important person (with her fiancé) in the room, and she knows it...humbly.  It would be wrong for her to think she was unimportant for this is her special day.  The valedictorian on graduation day might smile with humility recalling they are the best student in school.  Both would err if they thought they were any better than anyone else for we are all sinners in need of salvation.  Simply put, it is humble to take joy in your circumstances as long as you don't forget you are the recipient of a great gift. 

Humility, as opposed to pride, is also a great strength for no one can humiliate a humble man.  Humility enables the student who doesn't understand to raise their hand and ask for help.  It enables the teacher who does understand to aid them.  Humility allows a player to take advice from a coach and allows the coach to admit error and improve.   It is the one absolutely essential character trait for success in life and in study.

So who are we? We are children of God, so special, so awesome, so loved that when we were in need the God of all Creation Himself, paid our debt.  We are also so wretched that the debt could only be paid by God.  Best of all, we are redeemed and made to someday sit at God's side and enter into His joy.  To see myself as anything else is pure folly and pride, and to see myself and others, pure wisdom and humility.

Pax et Bonum,

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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