Monday, March 10, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.18

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

When a young person first encounters the idea of living a Christian life they often find the idea of it exciting but are worried about the rules.  Perhaps you may have noticed this attitude elsewhere.  Rules and regulation, assignments and tests, all seem to constrict our freedom and cut us off from endless opportunity.   Actually the opposite proves true.

Rules can best be likened to the banks of a river; they constrict the path of water forcing it not to dissipate but to flow.  Only by directing the power of the river can the ability of the river be fully utilized.

The rules we ask ourselves and our students to live under give order to our life, they allow great actions to take place.  Only by allowing ourselves to be directed can we achieve great things.  The Olympics demonstrate this wonderfully. No Olympian gets to the game without subjecting themselves to the rigors of training, of voluntarily giving up mornings, nights, weekends often time for years, to have a shot at Olympian glory.  Only by channeling their ability can they achieve greatness.  The same goes for us.  We can follow God's law and if we do we are promised a great life of peace and joy, of love and fulfillment.  It may seem like loss of freedom but it is in fact the gaining of life to the full.  Failure to follow God's plan may at first promise freedom but it will in the end leave us with nothing, we will find ourselves unfulfilled, lacking in peace and joy.   This applies not simply to spiritual matters but to all aspects of our life.  We all know that if a young person applies themselves early in life they have a much greater chance of being a success and that if they wait until later the chance diminishes sharply. Of course a young person does not always want to apply themselves; this is why they have us, their parents and guardians.  So by encouraging our students to do their work, sometimes rather strongly, we are helping insure their success and in many ways, ours as well.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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