Friday, April 11, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.21

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

Tempus Fugit- Time Flies.  Years ago, I first noticed an old man gazing lovingly at his wife of many decades.  She was as old as he, wrinkled by the sun, and bowed by age and infirmity but in his face you could tell he was seeing a vision of wonder and excellence, of exquisite refinement and breath taking beauty.  For the many years together had taught him to see far more than just with his eyes, he could see who she truly was; he could see all of her. 

What makes us truly beautiful lies not merely in our appearance but in our character, in the tales of virtue and diligence which grace our story.  Each year, every day we can become far more beautiful if we take the time to love better, to serve with more diligence to care for those in need and to seek the face of God. 

Not always does one seek the face of God, we make ourselves ugly by pride and arrogance, by crudeness and meanness and by crassness and laziness.  For this reason we need to be grateful for forgiveness, the most ennobling action.  For in confession we find restoration and the ability to grow.  Let us encourage our students to avail themselves of the sacrament and to see Christ in each other not as  static displays but as a dynamic individuals capable to move from glory to glory until that day we see Christ with our own eyes.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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