Friday, April 11, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.23

Walking Tiger 

Dear Friends,

School is all about dialog, so perhaps it would be best to consider first, how we as humans communicate.   When conversing with others we use our bodies, our minds and our voices in equal measure and while it is possible to communicate with simply words, as in texting or email, or simply with voice as in a telephone call, clearly the fullest way to communicate is face to face. 

When we pray we converse with God and while we can pray with our minds, we also pray with our words and our bodies, with our works of art and our songs, with the clothes we wear and how we personally groom.    For to be human means we must have a body as well as a soul, we cannot only use one or the other and be fully involved.   How fantastic is it that we can use far more than just words to tell someone we love them, to share in grief and in joy, that we can express happiness in a myriad of ways.  How awful that we can hurt others with far more than just words, for the very tools that build can also destroy.

A typical problem adolescent's face revolves around their ability to communicate.  The good news is that with patience, instruction and love they will usually outgrow it which is why we must take the time to correct and train.  Our example may be the very best way to communicate to our children the correct way to act. The joy we approach our duties to God, the evident pleasure we take in the company of our family,  the way we relax and have fun with them, teaches just as much as the words we must use and often more eloquently.

Thank you again for the entrusting us with the education of your most precious children,

Happy Lent!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. please let us know if you have any questions, cares, comments, criticisms or concerns!

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