Wednesday, May 21, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.27

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

Years ago, I met a pilot who told me the following, "In life, take-offs are all voluntary but landings are all mandatory". All of us who have children know exactly what that means; we can choose to have children but we cannot choose much of what comes next!  This week those who have seniors get to experience one of the great landing moments.  They have finished all 4 years of high school, they have been accepted at colleges and they are sitting on the cusp of adult life.  When one trip ends we customarily look back and recount the great times, as well we should, and only then do we start looking toward the next journey.  I encourage all of you to do just that, look through those old photo albums, from before the digital revolution. Take a look at where you were, for only then will you truly value where you are.

We see before us young men and women filled with hope, faith and charity.  What they will do with such gifts is our pleasure to see, but first we need to give thanks to God for entrusting us, both as teachers and families, with their presence.  Has the road been hard? Has it proved rocky and steep?  Have there been mishaps and accidents, bad decisions and pain? Yes to all, but don't stop there.  It has also been AWESOME! Laughter and smiles, hugs and kisses (sometimes to take care of the little booboosJ) And all of us would happily take all the unpleasantness for the privilege of being their parents or teachers.

So to the Graduates- Well Done- Be Strong- Go and make us Proud.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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