Wednesday, May 21, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.26

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

One of the beauties of high school is the general pattern and rhythm of it.  From the start of the year exciting events come and go leaving us now at the end of the year with some of the most wonderful times of all.  Today, I want to highlight the Awards ceremony where we recognized the achievements, big and small of our students, and then announced perhaps the schools highest, non-academic, award; Mr. and Miss HFHS (won by Ryan Willis and Olivia Quinn). Last Friday, students and staff enjoyed the annual Color Day and May Crowning celebrations, where the students first crowned Mary as our Queen and then proceeded to freely roam, played games and had a great time before we reconvened for the final assembly.  The students displayed just what we hoped they would display, peace, joy, happiness, excitement and respect.  From hoisting their classmate on their shoulders, to cheering at the assemblies, the students of Holy Family act like just who they are, God's children and ours.   Are they perfect, no, but they are moving in the right direction.

The Performing Arts department, with the cooperation and participation of a large group of students, performed 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' last week and if you got to see it, you were blessed.   We often talk about sports and academics, as well we should; we ought not to forget the amazing work done by the  Performing Arts department.  This play was excellent, from the opening to closing curtain, and when new plays are announced next fall, don't hesitate to buy tickets, you will be pleased with what you see.   There are a few more music performances on the calendar yet to come, I recommend you try to attend one of them.

Many good things occur at this school. God may be the only one who sees them; He is the only one whose reward has everlasting significance.  To all who labor and learn, to all who train and perform, and to all who cheer and rejoice, thank you.  It is good to be here at Holy Family and I thank God for each and every one of you!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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