Wednesday, May 21, 2014

From the Principal's Desk 4.25

Walking Tiger 


Dear Friends,

Last weekend saw the canonization of two remarkable men, both Popes.  While I was not alive during the pontificate of St. Pope John XXIII I spent most of my childhood and early married years, as did many of you, with St. Pope John Paul the Great.   In 1993 I drove to Denver for World Youth Day, never imagining I would someday move here.  While I did not get close enough for a personal encounter, what I saw changed my life.  We were in Mile High Stadium as the Pope arrived.   The crowd cheered wildly "John Paul II, We LOVE you!"  as the pontiff circled the stadium.  The saintly man moved up to the microphone and said in his heavily accented tones, "John Paul II...he LOVES YOU!" The crowd became silent, broken only by a few sniffs and even as I write this I am moved to tears because it was so true.  After that moment we cheered even louder and in some ways, many of us are still cheering.  

What made St. John Paul the Great a saint was not his incredible mind, his life experiences, his office, or anything else about him.  All of that was how he demonstrated his saintly life.  What made him a saint, was God.  This is incredibly good news for us.  All of us, regardless of ability, can be and are called to be saints and the hallmark of a saint, the one thing that makes them so different, is love, that selfless desire for the good of another.  

The two great commandments sum this up:  Love your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.  There is another characteristic of a saint; they are joyful.    If we want ourselves and our children to be joyful, let us encourage all of them to be saints.

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. A big shout out to everyone who attended the Prom and after Prom, and to all who volunteered to make this night work.  This was simply the best Prom I have ever attended.  From the beautiful and very colorful dresses the young ladies wore to the well clad young gentlemen, the evening's elegance shone brightly.   Well done everyone, this certainly stands as one of our better moments.  Thank you!

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