Tuesday, April 30, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.34

Walking Tiger    
Dear Parents and Friends,

Today we will be handing out  awards. Inevitably questions arise about this event.  Why do we hand out awards? Why don't we simply give everyone an award? What significance do these awards hold? A hallmark of Christian life revolves around the concept of judgment that for each action mankind will be held accountable.  Some incorrectly believe that by good deeds one can merit salvation; that heresy fails as it denies the saving power of Christ.  However good deeds do make it easier for us to avail ourselves of God's redeeming grace.  Just as bad deeds have the opposite effect.

So once a  year we take out time to acknowledge those students whose hard work, diligence and abilities  merit attention from us.  Those who have used their talents, much like the good servant in the parable, worthily gain an award.   Ultimately the one 'award' or recognition that matters is when we stand before the throne of God  and He says 'Well done, good and faithful servant, now enter the rest that has been prepared for you."   Christ promises if we use the gift of faith to follow Him this will be our welcome.  Let us make certain it is.

Duc in Altum!
Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

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