Tuesday, April 30, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.32

From the Principal's Desk 3.32

Walking Tiger    
Dear Parents,

I hope you are all enjoying the snow! There is nothing quite like a wintery scene outside when one is expecting green grass, warm winds and spring sports.   Life often reminds us that many things remain outside our control.   It remains for us to decide what to do with what we are given. One of the important lessons of life is that we are free to choose our actions only from the list of those actions available.  As an example we cannot have track practice or baseball practice today because the fields are snow covered.  Even if I really wanted to have that practice it could not happen; I have to make plans based on that reality.   A student may dislike the work load, especially this late in the season, or they may wish something didn't happen that did. Our job is to help them see that while you can always move forward, we can never move back.  There exists a lot of 'folk' wisdom about this. 'You can make a lot of things with broken eggs, or "If life hands you lemons, make lemonade."  And while they may be quaint there exists in them a truth.  All of our children can succeed if they can find the right path. Our job is to prepare them, equip them and then send them on.

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. All cares, comments, questions or concerns are welcome!

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