Tuesday, April 30, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.33

From the Principal's Desk 3.33

Walking Tiger    
Dear Parents,

 "I know something that you don't know.  I am not left handed either." (Princess Bride)  Some of you will remember that quote and it serves to illustrate one of the aims of schools like ours.   We strive to help students realize what their gifts and talents are and then how to use them.  Have you ever tried to brush your teeth with the other hand?  Or attempted to throw a ball with the other arm, your non-dominant one?  Gifted athletes know that while they are great in one sport, they may not be great in another.  I speak English quite well, but I am useless in Italian.   In short, none of us are gifted in all things; all of us are gifted in something.  The key remains to determine what we excel at.

God graced the world with a wide variety of persons with a wide variety of skills and interests.  We stand as unique individuals who share a common concern; we want the lives of our students to be wonderful and meaningful.  If we can focus on what we can do, and what opportunities lies ahead of us, then empowered to go on, we find success.  It also allows us to rejoice in another's gift.  When I see another excel at a sport, admire a fine painting, or enjoy a thrilling performance and I rejoice in the gifts that others have, I find peace and contentment.  Only when I envy their gifts, wish I could have them myself or regret that they have them, am I hampered in becoming who I am meant to be. 

So let us rejoice in those who are gifted, thank God for our gifts and be grateful for what we have been given.

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. Questions, cares, comments and concerns are all welcome. (Yes, a late start probably would have been a better call)

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