Tuesday, April 30, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.34

Walking Tiger    
Dear Parents and Friends,

Today we will be handing out  awards. Inevitably questions arise about this event.  Why do we hand out awards? Why don't we simply give everyone an award? What significance do these awards hold? A hallmark of Christian life revolves around the concept of judgment that for each action mankind will be held accountable.  Some incorrectly believe that by good deeds one can merit salvation; that heresy fails as it denies the saving power of Christ.  However good deeds do make it easier for us to avail ourselves of God's redeeming grace.  Just as bad deeds have the opposite effect.

So once a  year we take out time to acknowledge those students whose hard work, diligence and abilities  merit attention from us.  Those who have used their talents, much like the good servant in the parable, worthily gain an award.   Ultimately the one 'award' or recognition that matters is when we stand before the throne of God  and He says 'Well done, good and faithful servant, now enter the rest that has been prepared for you."   Christ promises if we use the gift of faith to follow Him this will be our welcome.  Let us make certain it is.

Duc in Altum!
Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

From the Principal's Desk 3.33

From the Principal's Desk 3.33

Walking Tiger    
Dear Parents,

 "I know something that you don't know.  I am not left handed either." (Princess Bride)  Some of you will remember that quote and it serves to illustrate one of the aims of schools like ours.   We strive to help students realize what their gifts and talents are and then how to use them.  Have you ever tried to brush your teeth with the other hand?  Or attempted to throw a ball with the other arm, your non-dominant one?  Gifted athletes know that while they are great in one sport, they may not be great in another.  I speak English quite well, but I am useless in Italian.   In short, none of us are gifted in all things; all of us are gifted in something.  The key remains to determine what we excel at.

God graced the world with a wide variety of persons with a wide variety of skills and interests.  We stand as unique individuals who share a common concern; we want the lives of our students to be wonderful and meaningful.  If we can focus on what we can do, and what opportunities lies ahead of us, then empowered to go on, we find success.  It also allows us to rejoice in another's gift.  When I see another excel at a sport, admire a fine painting, or enjoy a thrilling performance and I rejoice in the gifts that others have, I find peace and contentment.  Only when I envy their gifts, wish I could have them myself or regret that they have them, am I hampered in becoming who I am meant to be. 

So let us rejoice in those who are gifted, thank God for our gifts and be grateful for what we have been given.

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. Questions, cares, comments and concerns are all welcome. (Yes, a late start probably would have been a better call)

From the Principal's Desk 3.32

From the Principal's Desk 3.32

Walking Tiger    
Dear Parents,

I hope you are all enjoying the snow! There is nothing quite like a wintery scene outside when one is expecting green grass, warm winds and spring sports.   Life often reminds us that many things remain outside our control.   It remains for us to decide what to do with what we are given. One of the important lessons of life is that we are free to choose our actions only from the list of those actions available.  As an example we cannot have track practice or baseball practice today because the fields are snow covered.  Even if I really wanted to have that practice it could not happen; I have to make plans based on that reality.   A student may dislike the work load, especially this late in the season, or they may wish something didn't happen that did. Our job is to help them see that while you can always move forward, we can never move back.  There exists a lot of 'folk' wisdom about this. 'You can make a lot of things with broken eggs, or "If life hands you lemons, make lemonade."  And while they may be quaint there exists in them a truth.  All of our children can succeed if they can find the right path. Our job is to prepare them, equip them and then send them on.

Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. All cares, comments, questions or concerns are welcome!

Friday, April 12, 2013

From the Principal's Desk 3.31

From the Principal's Desk 3.31

Walking Tiger    
Dear Friends,

Happy Easter! The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! Such good news still resounds through all the earth even after 20 centuries for it is astounding, life changing and most importantly, true!  Truth inherently affects us in this manner for while the 'truth may hurt' if spoken in love, it reforms.   When we teach the truth to a student, they experience, the error of their former life put away and freedom to live.  This is exactly what mankind so eagerly seeks.  For this reason Holy Family teaches our students the importance of facts (truth), in science, history, math, art, physical activities and faith; actually in all areas of our life.  

Blessed John Paul II was once asked if only  one passage of scripture could be given to mankind what would it be,  he said " You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32) If we want our children to be free let us eagerly seek with them the truth. Lies and deception only restrict our lives, they might promise freedom but they are in fact just the opposite.  An honest man does not fear the truth about his actions being made known, a dishonest man does.

And now for some facts. Holy Family's annual Gala is this Saturday and as of now it is essentially sold out!  This remains the best time for you to support the mission of the school beyond what you ordinarily do, so please come and spend! This will help us meet some of our school's growing needs and desires.  There remains much that is good which occurs at our school and each of us plays a part in that and I dare say, no one sees it all.  We will do our best to bring to your attention some of that good at the Gala. Don't miss it!

God bless and Duc in Altum!

Timothy Gallic
Principal, Holy Family High School

p.s. Today is the annual Blessing mass, where we bless rings and medallions and encourage our Juniors to take the mantle of leadership which will be offered to them. Please pray for them.  The scripture on the medallions is a prayer of surrender to God and trust in him.  I pray all can join in this prayer

I Chronicles 29:11
"Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O LORD, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.

p.p.s.  Any questions, cares, comments or concerns? Send them in they are always welcome!